What is Chatbot marketing?

What is Facebook Messenger Marketing and how to create Facebook chatbot

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Read this article if you want to learn what is Facebook messenger marketing is  and how you can start making money out of it creating Facebook chatbots for hungry Business Owners! We will use Chatbots to send messages to the business owners customers to help them get more sales.

F8 2017: David Marcus Keynote

- Vice President of Messaging Products at Facebook

When Google Adwords was introduced back in the early days, many marketers made a fortune from cheap targeted traffic. Later on, it wasn’t cheap anymore. 

In fact, not only it became expensive, it was very tough to even get the ads approved.

I know that to be the truth - when I was using Adwords in 2003, I was laughing all the way to the bank. If you can see the image above, I was just paying $0.05 (that's 5 cents) a click in Adwords. 

100 clicks only cost me five bucks. My gosh, on bad days, I was tripling my ROI. 

Of course, eventually, my Google Adwords account got suspended and things weren't that easy anymore...

Well, history sort of repeat itself. 

The cost of Facebook ads was cheap too – when it first came out. Again, MANY marketers had also made their fortunes there quietly. Me included.

Today, although Facebook ads is still a good traffic source and marketing channel, it’s not as cheap and easy as it used to be...

The exciting news is, there’s a new player in the game today. And if you know how to do it right, you too could make a fortune before everyone else and their dogs get onboard.

It’s Facebook Messenger Marketing.



Facts of Why It’s So Powerful...

With emails, you’re competing with so many other email marketers. Right now, your prospects Facebook Inbox is still not crowded yet. So you’re sending your marketing message there – you can definitely expect a much higher “open rate”.Because they are the ones who are “messaging” you and your Messenger Bot responding. Without a single doubt, the best marketing is attraction marketing.

Co-Founder of SweetThing

1. High Engagement

It's very high engagement because your marketing message (your offer) goes into their Facebook inbox message. They can even respond to you and with your Bot, it can respond back to them.

Co-Founder of SweetThing

2. More “Effective” Than Emails

Not to forget, this is NEW. Your prospects are not “immune” to this marketing method – yet.

Co-Founder of SweetThing

3. FAST To Deploy

You could even make money using my system without building a webpage, creating product and so on. Heard about email funnel? You could build your own Bot Funnel in a single day and ready to make money for you.

Co-Founder of SweetThing

4. It’s ATTRACTION MARKETING at it’s core

And right now, there is ONE BILLION people using Facebook Messenger… 

Why use Facebook messenger chatbots and what is Facebook messenger marketing?

Why use Facebook messenger chatbots and what is Facebook messenger marketing?

Watch this webinar to learn top 10 chatbot marketing hacks for content marketers.

Facebook chatbot marketing rules: the 24 + 1 RULE

Facebook chatbot marketing rules: the 24 + 1 RULE

Facebook chatbot marketing rules: the 24 + 1 RULE


How to monetize your chatbot marketing knowledge? You can start selling your services and you can start sending this offer to your existing Bot List.

How to easily get your first client in the next 2 hours?

Just go to Facebook groups related to facebook chatbots ...You may find thousands potential customers and some of them are begging you to help them and are ready to pay you asap!

Once you have got your first client you will need to learn how to set up their chatbot fast ... not being a coder.  You may also create a BOT List just sending people to a pay like this ...You may use free traffic from Facebook, Instagram, Youtube or Forums for that.

What people say about using FACEBOOK chatbots?
